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Syrup with plantain, primrose and thyme, for expectorant cough


PLANTAPHARM®, syrup with plantain, primrose and thyme dilutes the viscose bronchial secretion and facilitates its expectoration, has antiseptic and bronchospasmolitic effect. Active principles form the leaf of plantain (iridoids, flavonoids, tannins, organic herbs acids) and of primrose (evaporable oils and heterozoids), together with the active principles of thyme (evaporation oils and tannins), with assistance of menthol make the use of this product useful for functions of the respiratory tract with particularly favorable effect on its mucous membrane.

PLANTAPHARM® can be used for inflammation of the pharynx or respiratory organs and bronchitis, after the consultation with a doctor! The purpose of the use of this syrup is to cough up formed and deposited sputum from respiratory ways, so it should not be consumed before sleep, in order not to disturb the sleep.